Access, Download, Process and VIsualize sea surface height and geostrophic current from AVISO in R 2019-04-15
Primary Production, chlorophyll-concentration and Sea surface temperature in Tanzania waters 2019-02-15
Isosurface of temperature, salinity, oxygen and fluorescence in Mafia Channel from CTD data 2019-02-12
Comparing classical methods for estimating the mixed layer depth along the transect off Kimbiji, Tanzania 2019-02-09
Using the Derivative Approach to Detect the Mixed Layer Depth (MLD) along the East African Coastal Current from Argo float dataset 2019-02-02
Detect the Mixed Layer Depth (MLD) along the East African Coastal Current from Argo floats data using criterion approach 2019-02-01
Determine dynamic height and geostrophic velocity along the East African Coastal Current from Argo floats 2019-01-29
Drifter-derived seasonal climatology of Sea surface temperature in the Tropical Indian Ocean 2018-09-30